Portable Appliance Tester Features

Throughout our website and in our product comparison chart, we refer to features and benefits of the various Appliance Testers in our range. Below is a brief description of the common features to help you decide which test and tag equipment is most suitable for your application.

Once you understand the features, use our comparison chart to find the tester you're after.

Class I
Class I Equipment is protectively earthed. All conductive parts are connected to an Earth Wire that has a continuous circuit through to the Earth Pin on the plug. All Appliance Testers will carry out this test.

Class II
Class II Equipment is Double Insulated and does is not required to be earthed. Equipment is generally manufactured with a non-conductive (insulated) enclosure to protect users against electric shock. All Appliance Testers will carry out this test.

Extension Leads
Very commonly used to extend the power source from the outlet to the appliance in use. IEC Leads and Powerboards or EPOD’s (Electrical Portable Outlet Device) with multiple outlets are also classified as Leads and are tested under the same process. Each outlet is required to be tested. All Appliance Testers will carry out this test.

Leakage Current
Leakage current testing requires the appliance to be energised. It measures the current going up the active and back through neutral, any variance is classified as Leakage. This is a mandatory test on appliances with internal switches or micro switches. Your Appliance Tester should be able to do this test, make sure you choose a tester that has this feature.

500V Insulation
Insulation Testing ensures the integrity of the insulation between the live parts and the external environment. 500V is the common voltage used when testing the integrity of the insulation.

250V Insulation
Insulation Testing ensures the integrity of the insulation between the live parts and the external environment. 250V is used on sensitive equipment where 500V insulation tests may cause damage.

> 10A Operation
When conducting a run test to detect earth leakage on appliances that draw more than 10 amps of current, you will require a testers that has capabilities of running the appliance at this higher current rating. These testers will also do an Earth Bond test at the higher current as well.

RCD Testing
RCD stands for “Residual Current Device”, commonly known as a safety switch. Portable RCD’s require regular testing where the Trip Time and sometimes Trip Current is measured. This ensures that in the event of a fault the switch cuts the power supply preventing electrical shock.

Battery Power
Some appliance testers can be operated under battery power as well as mains. This makes them more portable and ideal for testing in remote, hard to access areas. However, when operating on battery power you cannot conduct a Leakage Current test, this requires mains power.

Internal Memory
An appliance tester with internal memory can store test results and be uploaded to PC via software at a later date.

Mains Supply Test
This will test the integrity of the power being supplied through the GPO or power outlet. If there are any problems the tester will indicate this and recommend that a more viable power source is used for testing.

Power Measurement
This test provides information on how many Volts and Amperes the appliance is using. This is not a compulsory test but is commonly used to analyse faults in appliances.

Hard Bodied Carry Case
Some Portable Appliance Testers are supplied in very durable carry cases. These are ideal for the Tradesman or those on the move who want to protect their tester from damage.

Tag Printer
At the top end of the range, you can buy an appliance tester that can communicate with a Thermal Printer to generate printed tags. The tags contain all relevant test information and a copy of the company details and logo.

When using a tester that has memory or software capabilities, a barcode scanner can be used to bring up the test details for the appliance about to be tested. This is a very efficient way to re-test and can save precious time.

There are several testers that can communicate with software. Some supply it as standard others have it as an optional accessory. This allows you to run the appliance tester via PC and instantly log results. It is also a great way to manage test data and track re-test dates.

A wireless interface between appliance tester and printers/scanners. No need for leads or cables.